I've not been the best about about trying to keep my Internet presence up to date.
For a very long time I ran a Rails app of my own that managed this site and I found I spent more time keeping it up to date than I did writing. It was fun and educational at times, but it required more maintenance than I had time for.
Wordpress was so noisy that I couldn't really do much but configure Wordpress when I would login.
I'd tried a number of Javascript static site generators and they all seemed rather... something I didn't want to deal with.
Most recently I have been using [Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com/). Using Markdown to write articles and such sounded great at first but I got so lost trying to get some basic site functionality working through plugins and themes I would forget how to write when I would try do to so and then just not write.
I have been using [Obsidian](https://obsidian.md) for quite some time for my personal, work and radio notes. While I was originally hesitant about the pricing there are a number of things that make it worth it to me:
1. I can write and publish in markdown from any device I have. Unlike Jekyll I don't need to be at the laptop for it.
2. It forces me to think about writing certain notes for general consumption, which makes me be more thoughtful when taking them.
3. I don't have to leave the thing I'm working in most of the day anyway.
4. I am forced to not mess around with too much when it comes to formatting and design -- things I really don't care to much about and I am forced to focus on better communication.
I do have to not make use of certain plugins that I have been using to be compatible with Obsidian's hosting solution, but this isn't really that big of a deal.
I've decided to not try and resurrect any old content because this is an exercise in me writing and the content wasn’t that wonderful anyway. If you were looking for something, the Wayback Machine is your friend.
#personal #blog