#radio #electronics #notes
This is just a page of notes for my current radio projects to keep them straight in my head.
### KiwiSDR v1
This is eternally project number 1. Moved off to it's own page: [[KiwiSDR Project]]
### RTL-SDRs
I have so many of these and different kinds of them, from RTL-SDR blog ones to different Nooelec ones. I have a bunch of Techtoo wide band antennas (700MHz-2.6GHz) and a powered USB hub to jam them into. At one point I was running the great [robotastic/trunk-recorder](https://github.com/robotastic/trunk-recorder) project with them on a RaspberryPi with near 100% coverage of all of Columbus Ohio’s public safety frequencies, but this felt like a fire hazard, it got very hot, the USB hub was electrically noisy, and it was very ugly to look at even though it was stuffed in a corner. I have every intention of revisiting this as a project some day, but that day is not now.
I may also just turn one of these into a receive only APRS iGate, something that interests me far more than the safety scanner. I’m unsure at this moment, but this is probably my next next project after getting the KiwiSDR working.
### Piles of HT’s
I need to break these out into their own pages as I have some interesting programming notes on them.
- Kenwood TH-D72
- Baofeng UV-82HP
- Baofeng UV-5R
There really isn’t a lot of 2M/70cm traffic audible from my grid square (EN80ka) so these don’t tend to get used very often. The Kenwood is an interesting piece of hardware, but I haven’t found much use for tethering it as a TNC locally.
### KD8ORQ.net
This died when I moved this site. I’m uncertain what I’ll do with it for now, but I’m taking a note on it so I don’t forget I have it.
### Flipper Zero
This is a fun little radio project. I've had it for a while and I'm adding it here now so I can remember to add the projects I've done with it here later.