Over the years I've tried several ways of keeping up my personal website, but I have been bad at all of them. In the past I've used a framework of my own design, Wordpress, [Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com/), and others I can't even really remember at this point. We're going to try [Obsidian Publish](https://obsidian.md/publish) for now. I really don’t intend on what’s here to just be notes, but also some more fleshed out content. As a very busy person I often can lose context for the things I’m working on so I try and document them here. So this isn’t a blog, it’s not a notebook, and I refuse to use the phrase _Digital Garden_, so it’s just… a website. Were you looking for something that’s not here anymore? I did not copy content over. It's fine, you're not missing much. I don’t have a comments section on purpose. If you have a question about anything that’s here, you can catch me on Mastodon or other places, see [[My Links]] for details. ### Latest Content *2024-09-13* The saga of the [[KiwiSDR Project]] continues. I’d hoped to convert this to an actual blog at some point but I’m still struggling with the network and RF noise. I have started on my next project in the meantime, which is using [trunk-recorder](https://github.com/robotastic/trunk-recorder) and a lot of RTL-SDR’s to capture about 14MHz of local public safety p25 networks. I had this working in an amazing way before and while I don’t have as much time to dedicate to it anymore, I do have it mostly working and some write ups on it will happen soon. I've dubbed this [[Radio Project Number 2 - The Bunch of RTL-SDR's.]] and you can read about it there. *2024-09-07* Finished the [[KiwiSDR Project]] for now and it's [online in the directory](http://kiwisdr.com/public/)! *2024-09-06* Update to the [[KiwiSDR Project]] saga. Finally working with very minimal noise! _2024-09-04_ I have been fighting a battle getting a low noise environment working with my [[KiwiSDR Project]], but it’s starting to look good.